Wednesday, December 17

So, do you look your age?

Today's been quite a media flurry for Jubilee Iraq, what with James Baker's tour of Europe. I was due to be in Geneva today to protest at the UN Compensation Commission (which is having it's 50th meeting to allot yet more reparations against Iraq) but none of the London Iraqis who wanted to come were able to get visas over the Switzerland. So instead I spent the day firing off press releases left right and centre.

Did a 3 minute slot on CNN breakfast news, which was my first experience of a TV interview - quite surreal. The lady who called to invite me on the program asked how old I was (25) and then said "not meaning to be rude, but do you... hmm, look you age?" Help, if I was being really honest I should have said that I almost get IDed going into 18 certificate films and when I was in Iraq was frequently asked "how is it that your parents and school have allowed you to come here?" If I had come clean, I wonder if they would have said "thanks but no thanks" - though wouldn't that be age-ist, or appearance-ist or something.

Until about half an hour ago I was due to get up at 6am tomorrow to be interviewed on the Today program, the BBC's flagship morning news/politics show, but annoyingly that has been cancelled. I seem to spend ages waiting for calls from journalists and they end up calling at inappropriate times. Just now some guy from the Associated Press in America called right in the middle of the penultimate episode of the last ever series of Buffy... grrrrr.... aaarg....

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