Saturday, April 22

Memorial service for Tom Fox

Today there is a memorial service for Tom Fox in Washington. As I'm here in Baghdad I sadly can't attend, but I remember his simplicity, commitment to Iraq and non-violence, practicality and gentle nature. He was far from a perfect man, but Jesus shone through him very clearly. Here are a few words written for his memorial by Norman Kember, who spent the first 3 months with him in captivity:

"His loyalty to the CPT ethic of nonviolence was outstanding. He led worship in Quaker style and in Bible Study followed the 4 exercises for each: first impressions, relevance to our life experience, difficulties in understanding and how the message would change our life. His contributions to these discussions were often profound and based on his extensive reading. It was like having Rene Gerard present with us. I remember Tom for his outstanding humanity. We often heard explosions in the city and he would pray for the victims and their families. He reminded us that our deprivations in captivity were paralleled by those in the lives of many in Iraq and the wider world. In captivity he volunteered to take on the greater discomforts. In the many hours of talks together he gave us insights into his love of music, of the natural world and his family. I salute Tom Fox."

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