Tuesday, November 8

Remember Fallujah

Today marks an ignoble aniversary. On 8 November 2004 the US military, with approval and support from Britain, began the systematic destruction of a city of 200,000 people in an operation originally and appropriately codenamed "Thanksgiving Massacre". When I visited 5 months later the 1000+ bodies had been buried and the blood had been washed away, but the devastation remained.

Reading that 60% of the buildings had been seriously damaged is one thing, looking around a once populous neighbourhood and seeing only rubble in all directions is something else entirely. The people of Fallujah were promised large amounts of compensation and reconstruction but my friends at Christian Peacemaker Teams who visited a few days ago testify that a year on the situation remain dire.

http://www.rememberfallujah.org/... and Ramadi, Hit, Mosul, Qaim, Tal Afar, Haditha...


Anonymous said...


More than four years ago, a known sponsor of terrorism, Pat Robertson, went on TV with Jerry Falwell on the smoldering ashes of WTC and proclaimed that “ Terrorists attacks were God’s punishment of a corrupted America ! They declared because the government had adopted an agenda of “pagans, the abortionists, the feminists, the gays, and the lesbians’ we are being punished by the Wrath of God. They joined hand in hand with global corporate capitalists to declare a New Crusade against Islam and usurping the oil resources of the Middle East. It is high time in this first Anniversary of “Fullujah Massacre” to stop harassing Middle Eastern Muslim just because the worship the same God with different language and , stop the US terrorism outside and start working toward rebuilding our shattered environment.

AL Quaeda is a CIA Data Base!

The US administration dumbfounded by the event 911, got a crush course as how to satisfy the public thirst for explanation while covering the trace of the culprits, destroying every evidentiary records of the crime, and manufacturing alternative, easy to understand, explanation. They had already fabricated , with the help of Dick Clark in a Manhattan Courtroom as a criminal organization in order to circumvent the US laws. Not withstanding the fact that “Al Quaeda” ( data base in Arabic) is neither a political organization nor a hierarchy , it only existed in the computer “Data Base” of the CIA as a list of mercenaries, collaborators, agents, bankers, black market munitions suppliers and a host of other informant and sympathizers of the US terrorist agents who forced Soviet out of Afghanistan and brought Taliban into power.


That is why in 911 no one has produced a manifesto, a statement of principals, a political agenda, explanation of events, confession to collaboration, and planning and finally the higher political or religious aspiration to be achieved. None was present and nothing has been produced but what the administration has presented to the world as a web of lies. All persons being tortured in GITMO are innocents of being member of something which does not exist, that is why there is no confession and if there is under torture they have confessed that they belong to a “Base” or Al Quaeda. No one seems interested to question the fact that belonging to a data base created by the intelligence agencies does not mean a thing without a hierarchical political organization.


Since time in memoriam, political activists or those who waged liberation movements against Imperialism and commit acts of violence for social, cultural, religious, racial and political proclivities commit their terrorist act to achieve a desired end by violence against the State that is representing an exploiting class and has monopolized means of violence. They don’t terrorize for fun, otherwise they would be equivalent of jack the ripper. Political Terror is an act of rebellion, an spark to ignite insurgency against established seemingly formidable system of economic exploitation, which has concentrated all means of terror in a hand of few elites.

So-called terrorists had CIA Cleared Visas!!

The people who the US Government propaganda has declared to be perpetrators of 911, have nothing to show that they were politically active, they did not utter the word “God is Great” at the last moment of their life. Four are the supposed hijackers are alive and well and the rest could have been in a state of hypnotic delusion, “sleeper cells” controlled by their last phone calls they received. Anyone who has seen the movie “telephone” by Charles Bronson knows what I am talking about. If they were hijackers, then they did not have control of their mind, and believe me it could not have been a medieval mind of a Camel raiser named Osama. Every one of them had CIA cleared visas, believe me that is not simple and it is not given to anyone that is not 200 per cent collaborator.
Assassins are not simple murderers. They are making a political statement and desiring a political change. Except in British common law and American system of jurisprudence, all rebels are treated as political prisoners when caught, because they are committing a crime against the state. Whether it was GULAC of Soviets, EVIN of Shah, Mubarak’s torture chambers or Saddam’s Abu Gharieb, they are called political prisoners. Only in American Democracy, political prisoners have no rights and are treated as common criminals, even if by every passing year the political system resembles more to a corporatocracy rather than participatory democracy.


Every Crime is committed for a reason weather it is a crime of passion or crime for economic and social advantage. Motive, intention, must be proved and demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law before sentencing or declaration of guilt. In addition, there is always the question of murder weapon, confession, preservation of evidence, circumstantial evidence in the absence of real one, integrity of crime scene and its contamination. Obviously, there are political and economic considerations which might effect the verdict, jury tampering, smart layering, in Blake and O.j. Simpson’s cases, just got two criminals out of the hook. Public affection helped Michael Jackson beat the system and shaky defense combined with public antipathy got Scott Pearson a Death Penalty with no motive or hard evidence. The system is not perfect. It can be manipulated , but it works.
Yet in 911 case, investigation into alternative explanation have been hampered. Ashcraft incarcerated 15000 Muslim Americans and as of now no one has been found guilty of actually planning to attack the US or having intention to operate a terrorist cell.


Almost 99 percent of physical evidence has been shipped outside the US, destroyed, contaminated and literally wiped out of crime scene. Nothing remains but the State version of what has happened which defies the reality of thousands experts explanations. The state in the midst of an inferno which turned everything into dust has magically produced a passport of the so-called terror mastermind. Yet no American want to believe that one of their own was the designer and the windfall profit out of crime went to American corporations aligned with Evangelical Christians and the State of Israel. Americans lost their Bill of Rights in the Patriot Act which was written well before 911. It justified their illegal and immoral war on Iraq by lie and deception and in the process 100 thousands of innocents were bombed to death and destruction.


“Islamic terrorists” slogan might seem rational for those true believers who are vilifying Muslims to steal their oil, subjugate their government and crucify their radical intellectuals. Otherwise, after 4 years of the so-called War on Terror why there is No Confession, No Details of what Happened, No Declarations, No Convictions, No Details of What Happened, How did it happen?. Putting innocents tribesmen behind the Bars in the most barbaric ways did not produce one real criminal; torturing people did not produce one real or imaginary confession. Scaring innocent law abiding Middle Eastern to death and putting 15000 of them in various jails, violating their basic human and constitutional rights did not produce one confession.

All were innocent of any wrongdoings and had nothing to do with 911. Even Bin La Din declared he had nothing to do with 911. It is time to stop this sham, this fraud, this cover-up for attacking Afghanistan and blowing up Iraq. End this fake war on terror and start searching the existing bulk evidence and find the real terrorists who used Islam as a cover for their crime against America and murdered 3000 ordinary people for controlling oil resources of the Middle East.

Since 911 the world has been duped in believing that Middle Eastern Muslim men were the perpetrators of crime against America and therefore they must be collectively punished. That is why two countries are brutally invaded, hundreds of thousands of Muslims are massacred, millions of families have been driven to homelessness all because of a lie. Now the London Terrorists are manufactured by the British Intelligence to increase the popularity of Blaire, impose draconian laws on Britons and curtail Civil liberties of whosoever looks “Middle Eastern”, the real terrorists must be exposed in order to end this historical madness.

Anonymous said...

Just keep drinking the kool-aid!