Wednesday, October 6

Yet another raid

I just recieved a distressed message from an Iraqi doctor friend. I've heard so many stories of agressive American nighttime raids, which real reveal the cruel and contemptuous attitute that so many in the US army have for the people they claim to be liberating: "I do not know what to do. Yesterday at 1am at morning a group of the Americans crossed the fence of my house in Baghdad ...trying to smash in the main door of the house inorder to enter, while my family was sleeping. My father thought that they are thieves (actually they r), and they ordered him to open the door threatening to kill him. He asked them for any papers but they refused and pointed the gun toward him. He opened the door then they grabbed him and put the pistol to his head and dragged him to my sisters room. They also grabbed them and took them to the roof of the house where they started to humilate my father under the eyes of my sisters. When he asked them for the reason they did not answer him and started beating him, and he is an old man of 65 years... Then they gave my father a gun and told him if u have the courage kill yourself now (can you imagine how sick they are). Then the neighbours called the police. Five police cars came but said they could not do anything because they r the Americans. They kept him till 6am, finally leaving when the local people started making a demonstration. This is the new democrasy..." See the updated Christian Peacemaker Teams report on detainees (Word document) for more accounts of abuse similar to this.

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