The first rains in Baghdad
There is a distant rumble and it is not a bomb
the rhythmic beat is not small arms fire
it is thunder and the first rains
to wash away blood and dust
an Iftar for the earth after a six months fast
drink deep
this year we need
new life
1 comment:
Although many War Crimes have been committed against the defenseless Muslim population of Iraq but none is comparable to the multiple massacres which occurred in the most beautiful historical city of Fallujah, which was obliterated in operation code named “Thanksgiving Massacre”. This is cursory compilation of documented reports of the events from concerned reporters outside the US corporate media which has become the megaphone for the US propaganda and cover-up.
The US manufactured the phantom “Al Qaeda” which is the translation of the CIA “data Base” and fabricated an Islamic enemy which does not exist and is terrorizing the world under the guise of its Fake War on Terror. We have to expose these treacheries which has fooled the world into accepting these US fictional terrorist Action Figures so it may continue its horrendous crimes against humanity and blackmailing the legitimate Governments in the region into cooperation. It is our opinion that until the US citizens realize 911 was an “inside job” and stop blaming Middle Eastern Muslims their tormented psyche would force them into more carnage abroad and curtailing freedom inside. The wounded psyche has prevented delving into how did it happen and their denial that their government was behind what happened has prevented them from investigating the truth. Until American intellectuals face this self-denials they would be chasing a phantom enemy in a sham war on terror and many massacre like Falluja would be committed and denied.
It has been about 20 years since I was last here and I am just looking forward to looking our boys in the eye and telling them what a great job they have done here." (Donald Rumsfeld, The Butcher of FALLUJAH, Baghdad 2004)
As Americans are celebrating their Thanksgiving Day they not only should remember the massacre of 700 Pequot Indians in 1637 , which is the benchmark of the rotten and bloodthirsty origin of Thanksgiving, but also separate themselves from their shameful past by condemning the “ Thanksgiving Massacre” of Fallujah.
It is a historical fact that the American Troops used white phosphorus, and a Napalm substitute, MK77, banned by the United Nations, against a defenseless civilian population to obliterate the city of Fallujah, the heart of Sunni Triangle.
This Massacre and many thereafter has not diminished the resolve of Iraqis to resist the occupation.
It is the duty and responsibility of all Muslim brothers and sisters to tear apart the curtain of deceit and expose the crusaders In Iraq. Crusaders are against Islam not Shia or Sunni’s . “Thanksgiving Massacre of Fallujah” was meant to give a lesson in history that when in many Crusades innocent Muslims were murdered in cold blood.
The massacre was committed in order to force Iraqis to accept the Illegal occupation of their country and accept the US PUPPETS as their legitimate rulers. In this 1st Anniversary of Fallujah Massacre it is HIGH TIME for all the good Americans to disassociate themselves from the ugly Americans in Bush Administration who designed, executed, and covered up what really happened in Fallujah and have forbidden any news out of this devastated city which was once the center of a civilized and pious population. This is the first anniversary of the massacre and our heart should bleed for over 380 thousands population of the City of one thousands Mosques.
One year ago this month the US, with the support of the British, began its second major assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah (an attack originally codenamed "Thanksgiving Massacre"). This massive and unprecedented offensive devastated a city the size of Plymouth (the US State Department estimated 100% of the city’s housing was damaged to some degree) and killed many hundreds of civilians. British troops had been redeployed specially from southern Iraq to help form a "ring of steel" around the city.
An earlier attack in April 2004 had killed at least 600 civilians. See Jo Wilding’s report of the siege. Report
US forces committed major war crimes during the assaults including:
warplanes, fighter bombers, military helicopters and gun ships were used to attack residential areas, killing many civilians
a 'shoot-to-kill curfew' was imposed with 'anyone spotted in the soldiers' night vision sights…shot' (Times, 12 Nov 04) and there were numerous press reports of US snipers firing on - and killing - unarmed civilians, including children
several reports strongly suggested that US snipers targeted ambulances in Fallujah
the city's main hospital was closed by marines and a sniper was placed on top of the hospital's water tower in violation of the Geneva Convention (Guardian, 24 April 04)
U.S. forces blocked an aid convoy trying to enter Fallujah’s main hospital. The convoy turned back after three days. (Reuters, 15 Nov 2004).
male refugees were prevented from leaving the combat zone (AP, 13 Nov 04)
US forces were filmed killing an unarmed, wounded Iraqi (Guardian, 16 Nov 04)
US warplanes dropped 3 bombs on the Central Health Centre clinic, killing 35 patients (including 5 children under the age of ten) and 24 medical staff (The Nation, 13 Dec 04)
US forces used phosphorus weapons 'that create a screen of fire that cannot be extinguished with water' (Washington Post, 10 Nov 04).
The November 2004 assault was trailed well in advance and generated a brief spurt of anti-war activity here in the UK. Reports
Since then, however, media reports on Fallujah have been scarce as anyone who tries to document the massacre is intimidated, murdered or forced out of Iraq. The plight of the city’s inhabitants totaling 380 thousands civilians who fled the attack and have yet to return to their homes – appears to have been largely forgotten.
Not long after the assault the US and Iraqi leaders declared that Fallujah would become a "model city"' (Boston Globe, 5 Dec) and have used daily intimidation, curfews, ID cards, Cornea scanning, repression, torture and detentions to recreate the city with no result.
Meanwhile, further assaults during the past year on Iraqi cities including Qaim, Karabila and Tal Afar have killed over 100 thousands of Iraqis, wounded hundreds of thousands more and forced millions to be refugees in their own country. All these have happened with complicity of Corporate media which has produced fabricated and sanitized reports out of Iraq to sell the war to the gullible and conformist Americans who worry about their SUV’s and economic prosperity far more than thinking where their prosperity is coming from and how it is achieved by devastating others and destroying the earth.
"Bodies melted away before us."
On Monday Nov. 7, 2005 Italian Satellite TV broadcasted Evidence of banned chemical weapons by the US military on Civilians in Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq.
Documentary evidence of the use by US troops of phosphorus and a new formulation of Napalm [MK77] on the Sunni civilian population was broadcasted on international satellite TV. Yet up to now no major News organization has broadcasted the Global coverage of the atrocity which appeared in la repubblica. It . Bush Administration is shamed before the eyes of the world not only for the massacre in Fallujah but to use banned Chemicals, white phosphorus, the real WMD, on civilians.
Brave people of Iraq despite the many subterfuges of the US Forces to separate ,divide and antagonize them against each other are resisting the brutal invasion and occupation of their country while the United Nations has been forced into silence. Indeed the whole world is looking the other way while a small country of Iraq is being violated and subjected to the American bombardment, economic, cultural and psychological devastation.
In this Thanks giving it is up to the Good Americans, whose representatives have been bribed or blackmailed by Israeli Lobby into silence or inaction, to separate themselves from the Ugly Americans who have massacred over 100,000 Iraqis, poisoned their land, violated their national integrity and have caused over 2000 young Americans die for the Christian Evangelists Crusade against Islam.
Maybe it is high time to bring the troops home and face the reality of over 20,000 permanently disabled veterans and 100,000 young men whose has lost their soul in Iraq by rape, murder, torture of other human beings and would be returned home with permanent psychological damage and mental problems.
It is also a great time to re-open not only the investigation on the fraud and treason which were committed by the Bush Administration into deceiving the US citizens to commit mass murder in the middle east, but also to open the 911 files.
It is possible that a leadership which has lied about Iraq to its own citizenry , arranged, staged, organized, planned and executed 911 to justify its war on terror propaganda which was a prelude to their Project for the New American Century which sought to PERMANANTLY CONTROL the oil resources of the Middle East.
The War on Terror should be waged against a government which is terrorizing the world not against Muslims or Middle Eastern Men who never attacked the US and never participated in the Implosion of WTC. Those who removed all evidence of explosives in the Core of the Steel structures and purposely shipped the contaminated soil and steel structure are the terrorist who attacked the US to get it into a war gear to justify the occupation of Iraq. The criminals must be prosecuted. Yet if after 4 years of torture, mass murder and incarceration of many who were accused we have not got one conviction, we have to look at criminals who got benefit for their criminal enterprise.
The Criminals who pulled down WTC were not in Tora Bora and they were not certainly in Fallujah. They are the enemy within and hope in the spirit of Thanksgiving we stop looking outside to find the phantom enemies that the Gang of Corporate Evangelist fabricated. Al Quaida is a data base , a virtual adversary and not a criminal organization. Americans should be looking in the mirror to discover the reality of self-deception; otherwise, many more massacres would happen and many more Thanksgiving would be celebrated without looking at the blood of victims of our aggression. .
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