Monday, August 15

Consitutional guessing game

So we're sitting here in Baghdad on tender hooks waiting to see if a Constitution will be approved today. So far I get a different view from everyone I speak to. Apparently there is going to be a leadership meeting in about 30 mins to decide on whether to ammend the Transitional Administrative Law to get a week's extension. The Americans are furious of course and twisting arms to get it signed and sealed today. It's hard to know what's best. On the one hand if there's a week's extension they might be in the same situation next week but without the spur of an almost sacred deadline (to some). However if a text is pushed through today with major objections, including probably much of the Sunni Arab community, then that could generate big problems down the line. A third option is that everyone, including Sunni Arabs, will sign up to a text, which will form the basis of the referendum and elections, but with some of the outstanding elements being on a provisional basis. I'd always argued that there should have been an extension of a month or two made back on the 1 August, since then there would have been time to plan for more input from the Iraqi public, something which a rolling extension process does not really make possible, being geared just to the delibarations of the politicians. Anyway, it's anyones guess what will happen. In any case we'll probably know by about 4pm Iraqi time what the decision is.


Anonymous said...

I'm an italian journalist working for the web site I'm writing an article to remember the figure of the italian journalist Enzo Baldoni, one year after his death. So I'm looking for any kind of information about the Italian Red Cross delegate in Iraq Giuseppe De Santis, who was with you and Enzo in the convoy to Najaf. If you know where De Santis is now, if you have his telephone number or have any other element which could be useful, please call me as soon as possible at the following address:
Thank you very much,
Davide Scagni.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get some word on Sami Rasouli, who returned to Iraq from Minneapolis in late July on the day of the sandstorm.

Paul (of St. Paul, Minn.)